




新加坡英文:Singapore。英?[?si?g?'p?:] ;美?[?si?g?'p?:]。 ? 


Singapore dollar 新加坡元。


用作名词 (n.)。

1、Is Singapore a tropical country?


2、Singapore is near the equator.






an inhabitant of Singapore.



用作名词 (n.)。

1、Although he is not well-to-do, he is still a proud Singaporean.


2、Thus you need to create a common perspective, a Singaporean perspective.



Singapore (Chinese: 新加坡; pinyin: Xīnjiāpō; Malay: Singapura; Tamil: , Cingkappūr), officially the Republic of Singapore, is an island city-state located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, lying 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator, south of the Malaysian state of Johor and north of Indonesia's Riau Islands. At 710.2 km2 (274.2 sq mi),[6] Singapore, a microstate and the smallest nation in Southeast Asia, is by orders of magnitude larger than Monaco, San Marino, Andorra and Vatican City, the only other surviving sovereign city-states.

Before European settlement, the island now known as Singapore was the site of a Malay fishing village at the mouth of the Singapore River. Several hundred indigenous Orang Laut people also lived along the nearby coast, rivers and on smaller islands. In 1819, the British East India Company, led by Sir Stamford Raffles, established a trading post on the island, which was used as a port along the spice route.[7] Singapore became one of the most important commercial and military centres of the British Empire, and the hub of British power in Southeast Asia.

During the Second World War, the British colony was occupied by the Japanese after the Battle of Singapore, which Winston Churchill called "Britain's greatest defeat".[8] Singapore reverted to British rule in 1945, immediately after the war. Eighteen years later, in 1963, the city, having achieved independence from Britain, merged with Malaya, Sabah, and Sarawak to form Malaysia. However, the merger proved unsuccessful, and, less than two years later, it seceded from the federation and became an independent republic within the Commonwealth of Nations on August 9, 1965. Singapore was admitted to the United Nations on September 21 of that year.

Since independence, Singapore's standard of living has risen dramatically. Foreign direct investment and a state-led drive to industrialization based on plans drawn up by the Dutch economist Albert Winsemius have created a modern economy focused on industry, education and urban planning.[9] Singapore is the 5th wealthiest country in the world in terms of GDP (PPP) per capita.[10] In December 2008, the foreign exchange reserves of this small island nation stood at around US$174.2billion.[11] The Singapore government had for the first time in history tapped into her official reserves and withdrew some S$4.9 billion with the approval of the President. The funds were then used as part of the S$20.5 billion resilience package unveiled by Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam on 5 February 2009. As of January 2009, Singapore's official reserves stands at US$170.3 billion.

In 2009, the Economist Intelligence Unit ranked Singapore the tenth most expensive city in the world in which to live—the third in Asia, after Tokyo and Osaka.[12]

Singapore consists of 63 islands, including mainland Singapore. There are two man-made connections to Johor, Malaysia — Johor-Singapore Causeway in the north, and Tuas Second Link in the west. Jurong Island, Pulau Tekong, Pulau Ubin and Sentosa are the largest of Singapore's many smaller islands. The highest natural point of Singapore is Bukit Timah Hill at 166 m (545 ft).[citation needed]

The south of Singapore, around the mouth of the Singapore River and what is now the Downtown Core, used to be the only concentrated urban area, while the rest of the land was either undeveloped tropical rainforest or used for agriculture. Since the 1960s, the government has constructed new residential towns in outlying areas, resulting in an entirely built-up urban landscape. The Urban Redevelopment Authority was established on 1 April 1974, responsible for urban planning.[citation needed]



what kinda movie you like?

I like your shirt! Where did you get it.

what subject do you hate most in the school?


夸赞事物时可以用,yea!that's amazing

that's cool stuff!I would like one, too

I never seen it before, it's gorgeous!


比如说,waiting room, Toilet 这些简单的LZ应该都会,英语那么好

boarding pass 登机卡

passport 护照

Identity Card 身份证

aisle 靠走道的座位

perfume 香水

tax free 有时候买东西会问你需不需要tax free或者tax back就是指你在新加坡买的东西然 后可以再去机场的时候退税

receipt 小票

leisure centre 休闲娱乐中心

charge 收费

changes 小费,零钱

soft drink 碳酸饮料

still water 矿泉水

fizzy drink 汽水

starter 开胃菜 main course 主餐 desert 甜点

where can I change money? 兑钱

currency rate 汇率

notes 纸钞

signature 签名

shampoo 洗发水

shower gel 沐浴露















Arab Street 阿拉伯街;

Chinatown 牛车水Bukit Timah Nature Reserve 武吉知马自然保护区;

Clarke Quay 克拉码头;

Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay 滨海艺术中心;

Fort Siloso西乐索炮台;

Geylang Serai 芽笼;

Jurong Bird Park 裕廊飞禽公园;

Kampong Glam 甘榜格南;

Little India 小印度;

Marina Bay 滨海湾;

Marina Bay Sands 滨海湾金沙;

Merlion Park 鱼尾狮公园;

National Museum of Singapore 新加坡国家博物院;

Newton Food Centre 纽顿熟食中心;

Night Safari夜间动物园;

Orchard Road 乌节路;

Resorts World Sentosa 圣淘沙名胜世界;

River Safari 河川生态园;

Singapore Art Museum 新加坡美术馆;

Singapore Botanic Gardens新加坡植物园

——National Orchid Garden 新加坡国家胡姬园;

——Shaw Foundation Symphony Stahe 邵氏基金交响乐台;

——Swan Lake 天鹅湖;


Singapore Zoo新加坡动物园;

St.Andrew's Cathedral圣安德烈座堂;

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve 双溪布洛湿地保护区;

Telok Ayer Market 老巴刹市场;

Tiger Sky Tower天空之塔;

Ubin Island 乌敏岛;

Underwater World新加坡海底世界;

Universal Studios Singapore 新加坡环球影城;等等。



Singapore consists of the main island of Singapore and some 63 offshore islands. It is situated between latitudes 1°09'N and 1°29'N and longitudes 103°36'E and 104°25'E approximately 137 kilometres north of the Equator.

The main island is about 42 kilometres from east to west and 23 kilometres from north to south. Singapore's total land area, including that of the smaller islands, is 697.1 square kilometres.

Singapore's immediate neighbours are Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia to the North, Sarawak and Sabah to the East), Brunei Darussalam and Indonesia.

Being very close to the Equator, Singapore's climate is characterised by abundant rainfall, relatively uniform temperature and high humidity throughout the year. December is the coolest month of the year while May is the warmest. The mean daily temperature is 26.8°C.

The resident population of Singapore, comprising Singapore citizens and permanent residents, was estimated at 3,437,300 in June 2003. Singapore is a multiracial society. Malays form 13.8% of Singapore's population, while Chinese and Indians make up 76.2% and 8.3% respectively. Other races make up 1.7% of the population.

The official languages in Singapore are Malay, Chinese (Mandarin), Tamil and English. Malay is the national language and English is the language of administration. The Constitution allows every person the right to profess and practise his religion and to propagate it. The main religions in Singapore are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Christianity and Hinduism.

Singapore is a republic with a parliamentary system of government. A written constitution provides for the organs of state, namely the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. President S R Nathan is the current Head of State. The current Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, leads the Cabinet in the administration of the Government. The Prime Minister and other Cabinet members are appointed from among the Members of Parliament, of which there are currently 94.

The flag of Singapore consists of two equal horizontal sections, red above white. In the upper left canton is a white crescent moon beside five white stars within a circle. Red symbolises universal brotherhood and equality of man, while white signifies pervading and everlasting purity and virtue. The crescent moon represents a young nation on the ascendant, illuminated by the ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality as signified by the five stars.

Information obtained from the Singapore 2004 book published by the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts.